Saturday, 22 September 2007

What Doing? Doing Beads!

When little Johnny was knee high he would look over those knees and say "What Doing?"
Well, being too tired to think straight after our craft fair, I started stringing beads to keep my hands busy at night when my brain wasn't in a fit state to be similarly occupied!
So I have been making lovely necklaces. The Dear Husband (DH) brought me one from the far north and I have now made about 4 more. It is about 1.2m of mixed beads on nylon, tied into a circle. You then fold it in half, twist the two strands together and then join them with a pearl clasp. So easy. It's like putting fruit loops on a string!
At the shop they say I should teach it, but how easy can it get????
Above I have shown the red beads I bought in honour of my birthday. I will make a Hobbysew Necklace.
Speaking of Hobbysew Belconnen....
Lissa asked me if I was going to be neglecting Lidlfish now that I have the
to play in.
I'll try not to, but I thought I should try and separate the fish from the job just a little! VBG!

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