After my month of quilting I actually have good news to report!
I have won "Best Professional Bed Quilt" at the Canberra Quilter's Exhibition.
I am astonished. This photo is a bit dodgy. The colours are much darker in real life. The applique is against a dark beige and black gingham. This quilt gave me some grey hairs. I had been showing to classes, demonstrating the use of tiny Catherine Wheels (they are the flowers). Unquilted. By the time I came to layer and bast it it was quite badly distorted. Let that be a lesson! The basting become a pivotal moment in history. I was close to chucking it in a corner and not entering it. Najelle came to the rescue and insisted on getting the quilt re-basted. I then quilted it on my Mega Quilter. Free motion. Stipples behind the applique and swirling flowers behind the charm squares.
This next quilt is "inferno" Not a prize winner but better quilting in my opinion.
Finally is the collaborative effort. Mystery Medallion. This was commercially quilted and I have included a close up as the quilting is amazing! Terina went to so much trouble and spent so many hours on the quilting. Everyone has admired her work.
"Quilts with Attitude" is the name you need to remember.