Thursday, 22 February 2007

When words are not enough

On Saturday, 10th of Feb my beautiful brother Michael was hit from behind while riding his bicycle just a few kilometres outside Junee.
We've heard that the driver had been drinking the night before and did not even see Michael until he hit the windscreen of the car which was travelling at least 100km per hour. I don't know if we know the full or true story about the driver, but Michae
l has been seriously injured. We hope and pray for a good outcome for Michael.
I can't say in words how much this has affected
us but would rather post some photos of a happier day.

The photos were taken at Mum and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary. In the photos are Michael Commins, Gay Commins, irreplacable mother, and Pip Schiffmann, my much loved sister.


Anonymous said...

strength to you & your family, Cathy, and here's hoping for the very best of outcomes.

Dianne said...

I'm holding good thoughts for a good outcome for your brother, Cathy. We are all here to send love and support to you and your family in this difficult time.

Helen said...

Cathy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.